Lake Oconee Academy

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LOA Announces New Changes to Graduation Requirements and Student Status

Founded fifteen years ago as an innovative, college-preparatory school of choice designed “to increase student achievement by building a culture of high expectation for all students.” LOA is excited to announce two sets of academic changes - (1) in graduation requirements and (2) in student status - that are designed to complement the school’s demonstrated record of academic excellence, to support student development and preparation, and to strengthen our school programs and community.

Graduation Requirements

These changes will impact students starting in the Class of 2026 (incoming 9th graders) and will involve increased requirements for graduation. The minimum number of credits will increase from 24 credits to 27 credits, including two new credits in arts and design as well as an additional credit in physical education, fitness, and athletics. All of the other graduation requirements will remain unchanged, with a credit representing a year or two-semesters of passing coursework.

Clarification of Student Status

The changes will go into effect this summer for high school students and will involve clarification of student status - in particular, the definitions of (1) students in good standing and (2) full-time students. A student in good standing is passing all of their classes (with a minimum grade of 70 in every class), maintains a minimum GPA of 2.0 (equivalent to a C) and has sufficient academic credits to be on track to graduate with their respective grade-level cohort. A full-time student is one who takes a sufficient number of classes to earn full funding from the State of Georgia - specifically at least 6 classes per semester/year.

With the school’s rotating schedule of 8 blocks for 4 years, high school students have 32 blocks to earn the 27 credits, some of which can also be earned in the eighth grade.

For more information regarding these changes, please click on the attached pdf below.