Parent Resources 

School Menus & Nutrition Information

+ Carline

+ Forms

Click the button below, to print the forms.

+ LOA Pre-K Parent Brochure

+ LOA Parent/Student Directory

+ Counseling Resources

+ Lunch Information: Free & Reduced, My Payments Plus

+ Titan TECH After-School Program

Titan Tech is an after-school childcare program for Pre-K through 12th grade students at Lake Oconee Academy. The mission of the program is to provide a fun, encouraging environment for students who participate, with an emphasis on homework completion, physical activity, and enrichment opportunities. Please click the Information button for complete program details.

+ Telehealth

Please visit the School Clinic page for more information.

+ Order Your Yearbook

+ Parents Right to Know

+ New Parent Orientation

+ August 30, 2021 Meeting Materials

+ Yearbook Information

Click the link below for the most efficient way to purchase the 2023/24 yearbook, recognition ads, as well as business ads.

+ School Supplies

+ House Bill 402- Swim Safety

The recently passed House Bill 402 requires all Georgia school districts to provide water safety education information annually to all parents and guardians of students under the age of 18 years and directly to students who are 18 years or older. Below you will find a link to local resources that teach water safety in close proximity, as well as a pamphlet provided by The YMCA with information that may also be shared with your child.