A Message From Dr. B - 2024-2025 Announcements and Updates — Lake Oconee Academy

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A Message From Dr. B - 2024-2025 Announcements and Updates

Greetings Titan Family!

We are excited to start the 2024-2025 School Year! I hope everyone has had a great summer!  I wanted to share the updated Lake Oconee Academy (LOA) Handbook for Students and Families. The handbook can be found here on the LOA website. 

LOA is founded on the cornerstones of citizenship, scholarship, and community, and we are committed to educational excellence. A key factor in maintaining this excellence is a highly supportive and collegial community. Education is a collaborative process that requires strong partnerships among all stakeholders.  We are pleased that you have chosen LOA! By doing so, parents and guardians are committing to the school's mission, vision, philosophy, and Honor Code. At LOA, we are O.N.E TITAN: OUTSTANDING CITIZENS, NOBLE SCHOLARS, and an ENGAGED COMMUNITY. The policies outlined in the LOA Handbook support all of these principles. 

Hopefully, by now you are aware that we have adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare, and began implementation of the platform in March of last year. If you have not done so, please download the ParentSquare App (available for free for iOS and Android devices.) More information regarding this efficient tool for communication is forthcoming from our Technology Department. 

I would like to highlight some important changes and areas of information below, but hope that you will become familiar with the entire Handbook.

I. The Faculty and Staff Organizational Chart - Please note any new staff or changes in staff roles. There are many questions from students and families at the start of the school year. The handbook, as well as communications from the school help to answer many of those questions. Open House is another opportunity to ask or share concerns, as all faculty and staff are present and here to help.  From time to time and throughout the year, questions or concerns will arise that are not outlined in the handbook nor in communication from the school. 

We aim to answer your questions and hear your concerns when appropriate, as we work together to support our students. We want to do so as efficiently as possible. When questions arise, parents/guardians should pursue the information first (email) with the appropriate teacher, coach, or school level support staff, and when necessary, the Dean of Students, Instructional Coordinators, or Director of Athletics will be contacted, followed by the Division Director and finally, the Executive Director. Having an understanding of the Faculty and Staff Organizational Chart helps to identify who you should reach out to have your question or concern addressed most efficiently. 

II. Car-line Procedures and Maps -  There is only one change to carline this year; however it is an important one. In short, both AM and PM Carlines will operate with the same flow this year. The AM carline will now operate the same way that PM carline operated last year. Please find more detailed information linked in the handbook, and also on our school website under "Carline" on our Parent Resources page. 

III. Cell Phones- There has been much research on the affect of the smart phone on the neurological development of K-12 students, and the distraction they can cause from the most important component of any school- Teaching and Learning. Thus, Personal Electronic Devices (Cell phones, smart watches, and earbuds) are NOT part of the academic day at LOA (7:20 am-3:15 pm). If students elect to bring a Personal Electronic Device to school, they are expected to store any personal electronic device in a designated pouch from bell to bell in each and every classroom unless the teacher instructs that a very specific task requires its use. During transitions,  students should have their phones powered off and out of sight and in their bookbag.  Phones may also be stored in a locker for the entirety of the school day. Students not adhering to this policy will have their phone or personal electronic device confiscated for parent pick-up. Continued violations will result in the student no longer being allowed to bring any personal electronic devices to school. 

IV. Attendance- Simply stated and most importantly, students learn best when they are present at school. Not only is attendance mandated by Georgia's "Compulsory School Attendance Law," LOA must meet performance-based goals regarding attendance in order to maintain our Charter. Student attendance needs to improve at LOA. Please read closely LOA's updated attendance policy.

V. Uniforms-  LOA believes that a uniform dress code leads to the least interference of student learning. Please read the Uniform/Dress Code policy closely and work with us to ensure students are dressed in appropriate uniform and ready to learn daily. Much like when student's don't comply with LOA's cell phone policy, students not in appropriate uniform create a distraction from our priority- Educational Excellence. 

VI. Student Behavior Code for Office-Managed Offenses Please note that this is a separate document linked within the handbook (and here) goes into great detail regarding LOA's behavior Code. 

VII. LOA students grades Pre-K-8th grade will receive meals at no cost this year-. Although this is not related to the handbook, it is important information that I wanted to bring to your attention. Please find more information regarding this on our website on our Parent Resource page under Lunch Information: Free and Reduced, My Payments Plus.  

What an honor and privilege it is to educate your students! We both appreciate the opportunity and understand the responsibility. We look forward to collaboration and meaningful partnership with you in our commitment to excellence and provision of a world-class education. We are so excited to welcome your students on Thursday, Augu 1st and look forward to seeing you all at open house next week! 

O.N.E. Titan,

Dr. B 
