Lake Oconee Academy

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LOA Senior Robert Hatfield Accepts Appointment to the US Naval Academy

For Immediate Release
Contact: Kerry Minster


Greensboro, Ga. (April 9, 2018) - Lake Oconee Academy senior Robert E. "Bobby" Hatfield III, a member of LOA's first graduating class, has received and accepted an offer of appointment from the U.S. Naval Academy. Congressman Jody Hice (GA-10) visited the LOA campus on Tuesday, April 3, 2018, to conduct an official signing ceremony with Bobby. Students, faculty, friends, and family were on hand to celebrate Bobby's outstanding accomplishment.

Bobby's goal since he was a young child has been to serve his country. "I want to be where I can become the very best version of myself; my country deserves nothing less," Hatfield expressed in an essay written his senior year. "My generation will soon be charged with the awesome responsibility of passing the liberty we inherited to the next generation, and we will not let our country down."

"One of the greatest thrills I have as a member of Congress is getting to be a part of days like this," said Congressman Hice. "It does my heart so much good to see the quality of the men and women that are appointed to service academies to lead our military and country. To earn an appointment, you have to excel scholastically, physically and in leadership roles. This is an incredible honor. I want to thank Bobby for his willingness to serve our country."

Caroline St. John, Bobby's English Literature teacher, spoke about her first interaction with Bobby through Youth Leadership Greene, a group of sophomores from all the high schools in Greene County.

"I had the pleasure of having Bobby in the first Youth Leadership Greene group, and it was important because it was our first group where all the student leaders would come together for the first time as a team," said St. John. "On that first day together, Bobby was the one who walked across the group and shook hands with all the kids from the other schools. He was the one that we followed. I knew at the moment that we would be following Bobby for the rest of his life."

After additional comments from LOA CEO Dr. Otho Tucker, Bobby's grandmother Brenda Pickett, classmate Eli Ramsey, and LOA Upper School Director Jody Worth, Congressman Hice presented Bobby with the certificate of appointment. The certificate, signed by Bobby to heartfelt applause from the large crowd gathered in Community Hall, reads, "With personal strength and upstanding character, I will serve my nation with honor."

Bobby will report to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., on June 28, 2018, where he will swear in as a midshipman in the United States Navy.

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